Reflection Lake Community Association
Board of Director’s Meeting
May 2nd, 2023 begins at 6 PM
Present: Gary Long, Jeff Toffer, Sandi Bennett, Joe Kokinda, Jim Boothby, Robert Syverson, Russ Bishop, Terry Zoesch, Joe Dickinson
- Call to order—meeting recorded (audio only)—no objections
- Minutes of previous meeting—Sandi Bennett
- Gary Long moves to approve minutes, Jeff Toffer seconds and all are in favor
- Reports of Officers
- Report of Vice-President—Robert Syverson
- Thank you to the Bartholomews for filling in the pot holes on Sheets Rd
- Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby
- See addendum
- Budget for 2023-2024—have until May 15th to turn in budgets for committees to Jim Boothby
- Will set dues for 2023-2024 in June
- Report of Secretary—Sandi Bennett
- Please update emergency contact and pet and children emergency placement
- Report of Vice-President—Robert Syverson
- Reports of Standing Committee
- CMD—Dan Loos
- Rebuilt the dock at Bald Eagle
- Have the dock ready to be installed at Turtle Beach—minor deck repair needed still
- Camera was put on Valve on South end to determine work that needs done—screws need to be loosened by diver to repair pipe that is bent
- John Fechner thinks the pipe replacement would be $40
- Lake pen for plants is in the planning process
- Thanks to all the volunteers that helped—our community is great because of our volunteers
- By June the rock will be lined up for the south dam
- Still need to do a survey by next year required by the Dept of Ecology
- Firewise—Jeff Toffer
- DNR is coming to our rescue
- Two dumpsters coming on Thursday—one green and one garbage—hopefully will be able to be replaced if filled
- They will also be providing funds for the rock on the south dam that the state requires
- Clean up day on May 6th at 9 a.m.
- Media event in Mid-May possibly the 18th—will get back to us
- NFPA Megan Fitzgerald wants to come help for Clean Up Day
- DNR is coming to our rescue
- Community Relations—Sandi Bennett
- Shelley Barcklay has passed away
- Security—Gary Long
- Try to slow down our speeders—portable speed bumps?
- New signs put on spillway on south dam
- CMD—Dan Loos
- Unfinished Business
- Legal update
- No movement on the appeal since last meeting
- Election Committee
- Has met on April 18th and April 26th
- Discussion about the guidelines/policy
- Legal update
1.Russ Bishop interrupted discussion to force a motion to accept election guidelines as submitted, Terry Zoesch seconded
- Motion passes—Joe Kokinda, Robert Syverson, Sandi Bennett and Joe Dickinson oppose with Terry Zoesch, Russ Bishop, Jim Boothby, Gary Long, Jeff Toffer approving
- Motion by Gary Long to allow absentee, proxy, or in person vote following the RCW and bylaws and Jim Boothby seconded—all are in favor and motion passes
- RLCA/Merger—Special Meeting 5/13/2023—polls will close at 2:00
- Notices and ballots and bylaws amendments have gone out
- Liability Insurance has been found for RWA $1700 a year for $2 million
- New Business
- Annual Meeting Date—Robert Syverson motions July 22nd for a date for annual meeting and Gary Long seconds—all in favor and motion passes
- Open Forum
- Reminder about the yard sale on June 16th, 17th, and 18th—please drop donations off at the Bennett’s—no yard sale funds will go to legal funds
- David brought up might want to amend for email votes but Lucinda says not until next year—the guidelines were accepted as written
- Jim Boothby wants people on notice that funding will be cut off at $5000 in order to pay fixed bills and then the board will have to meet and decide what to do about the budget shortage
- Plaques for community award and Steve Hutchison’s plaque has been put back on the wall
- Items have been pilfered from Steve’s property that were contracted to the next owner—please return those items to Steve. No trespassing on Steve’s property
- Adjournment—Terry and Robert all in favor and meeting is adjourned at 7:50