2023-04-04 Board Meeting Minutes


Board of Director’s Meeting

April 4th 2023

Board Meeting Begins at 6:00 PM

Present: Terry Zoesch, Russ Bishop, Joe Dickenson, Jeff Toffer, Joe Kokinda, Sandi Bennett, Gary Long, Jim Boothby—Not Present: Robert Syverson

  1. Call to Order—meeting recorded—audio only
  2. Minutes of Previous Meeting
    1. Gary motions to accept minutes and Jeff Toffer seconds. All vote to approve minutes
  3. Reports of Officers
    1. Report of Vice-President—Robert Syverson
      1. Nothing to report—on vacation
    2. Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby
      1. See addendum
    3. Report of Secretary—Sandi Bennett
      1. Need emergency contacts on roster, where kids and pets go in case of emergency
        1. Place on fridge for emergency responders
  4. Reports of Standing Committees
    1. Firewise—Firewise will provide dumpsters for clean-up day and $1500 for rock for the south dam that the state is requiring
    2. CMD—Dan Loos
      1. Cox’s are working on a go fund me for fish donation
      2. Bald Eagle Beach has a hole in a float—a corner shield has been welded and will be fixed at Fechner and Loos’s expense—thank you!
      3. A new Turtle Beach dock will be refurbished from an older dock and put in the water at a later date
      4. A plant pen to grow aquatic plants will be installed at Turtle Beach—Terry has fencing to donate—will put together with 6 ft t-posts—Donations will be found in the community—several community members have put forth donations to help with this project
      5. Big John has been cancelled this year—volunteers will pull and take care of the weeds at the dams and beaches—contact Kenworthy’s or Loos
      6. 9-10K for surveying the dam that is a requirement for the state—Dep’t of Ecology is looking to see what they can compromise on to complete this requirement
      7. the main Reflection Lake sign needs some refurbishing—Dan Brown will volunteer his surfaces
      8. A street light will be requested for the county to put up at the corner of Frontage, Milan-Elk and Lakeside
      9. All is well at the Fish Hatchery
      10. Signs for checking your boat for milfoil signs, especially at Bald Eagle Beach
      11. Look at the valve in the water at the south dam to determine the necessary repairs and if it can be a diver or our community and see if the state has any suggestions for it
    3. Community Relations—Sandi Bennett
      1. April 15th pending for Road clean-up on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. starting at the Bennett’s
      2. May 6th –Taco potluck and cleanup will commence at the community center at 9 a.m. and potluck after
      3. Meetings at 6:00 P.M. at Community Center on the third Wednesday’s
      4. Newsletter will be up soon
    4. Security
      1. Portable speed bumps available for future purposes perhaps
      2. Keep dogs under control
      3. Slow down when kids/people present
      4. Keep an eye out for poachers
      5. Security cart will be available soon
      6. Please close or lock gates behind you
      7. Vehicles with handicap stickers may drive to Bishop and Bings but let security know
      8. Gate keys are available from Sandi Bennett for new people that have paid dues
        1. Will be marking who has keys and replacement keys will be charged a fee
  5. Unfinished Business
      1. Legal Update
        1. The Jim Powers appeal should be heard by late summer
      2. Bylaws Committee Policy Proposal
        1. Discussion of proposed election committee policy
          1. See addendum
        2. Self-nominations for Election committee
          1. Charlie Bennett, Elizabeth Syverson so far volunteer
          2. Please contact Joe Kokinda or RLCA for volunteering
      3. RLCA/RWA Merger
        1. Discussion to merge RWA corporation into RLCA corporation and form a water system committee and to have bylaws amendment in place for the water system
          1. See addendum
        2. Gary Long motions for an informational meeting on Saturday, April 22nd—Jim Boothby seconds 12:00-2:00—all vote in favor except Sandi Bennett
        3. Gary Long motions for the special meeting for the vote to merge the corporations and amend the bylaws on May 13th, Saturday. Jim Boothby seconded and all are in favor.
  6. New Business—nothing at this time
  7. Open Forum
    1. What is going on with the chickens—a letter will be sent out to remove chickens, if chickens are not gone, fines will be issued.
    2. Little library mention in newsletter—lots of kids books
  8. Adjournment—Terry Zoesch motions to adjourn, Sandi Bennett seconds, all are in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:57

Terry motions/ Sandi seconds and @ 7:57

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