2023-02-07 Board Meeting Minutes


Board of Director’s Meeting

February 7, 2023

Present: Gary Long, Jim Boothby, Sandra Bennett, Joe Kokinda, Jeff Toffer, Russell Bishop, Terry Zoesch, Russ Bishop—Not Present: Robert Syverson

  1. Call the meeting to order— recording of audio only
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting: Jeff motions to accept the minutes, Gary Long seconded. All vote to approve
  3. Reports of Officers
    1. Report of Vice-President: Robert Syverson
      1. Nothing to report
    2. Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby
      1. See addendum
    3. Report of Secretary—Sandi Bennett
      1. Nothing to report
  4. Reports of Standing Committees
    1. Conservation, Maintenance, Dams—Dan Loos
      1. In the fall a diver was hired to look at valve on south dam—valve is jammed against the frame and that is keeping it from closing all the way
        1. CMD Meeting on the 28th to talk details
      2. Goals for this year are
        1. Finish rock on dam this year per state
        2. State wants a survey of both dams
        3. Turtle beach dock and another dock at SE Access further down
        4. Repair Bald Eagle dock
    2. Community Relations—Sandi Bennett
      1. Caroling in December was a lot of fun! Thanks to Angie and Kent
    3. Firewise—Charlie Bennett
      1. Need someone on the board to help run and take over Firewise duties
        1. Jeff Toffer was asked and said yes
      2. May 6th—Sandi Bennett motions that we make May 6th the RLCA clean-up day and Jeff Toffer seconds and all approves
    4. Security—Gary Long
      1. Nothing to report
    5. Legal Update
      1. Jim Powers has filed his appeal and we have filed our response with the courts
    6. New Business
      1. Change Board of Director’s Meeting Day
        1. Will remain Tuesday
      2. Discussion and vote on the future of the RWA
        1. Sandi Bennett makes a motion pending an approval of the eastside members to propose that the RWA be made a committee under the RLCA and the RWA corporation would be acquired thus dissolved as a corporation yet money would be kept separate. Joe Dickinson seconds, And all vote to approve and Russ Bishop abstains.
    7. Open Forum
      1. Terry Zoesch motions to look into the costs of a financial audit for both RWA and RLCA bank accounts from 2020 on. Sandi Bennett seconds this motion. And all are in favor.
      2. Bob Hovaten plaque is given to the RLCA from Barbara Wilson
    8. Adjournment
      1. Gary Long motions to adjourn, Jeff Toffer seconds and all are in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:33
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