Board of Director’s meeting
November 1, 2022
Meeting starts at 6:00 PM
Present: Joe Kokinda, Robert Syverson, Jeff Toffer, Jim Boothby, Sandi Bennett, Joe Dickinson, Robert Syverson—Not Present Gary Long, Russ Bishop, Terry Zoesch
- Call to Order—Meeting recorded (audio only)
- Minutes of previous meeting—Sandi Bennett
- Robert Syverson votes to approve and Joe Dickinson seconds and all approve to accept minutes
- Reports of Officers
- Report of Vice-President—Robert Syverson
- Nothing at this time
- Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby
- Report of Secretary—Sandi Bennett
- Nothing at this time
- Report of Vice-President—Robert Syverson
- Reports of Standing committee
- Conservation, Maintenance and Dams—(Dinece, Joe, and Charlie)
- Removal of stick in valve at South dam to be done on Thursday
- Sandi Bennett motions that we draw down the lake 1 ft starting on Thursday and Joe Dickinson seconds—motion passes unanimously
- Removal of Hazard trees on Bald Eagle Rd
- Sandi Bennett motions that we have Rick Hayes to Identify and bid for the hazard trees and have them dropped if the cost is right—Robert Syverson seconded and all are in favor
- Removal of stick in valve at South dam to be done on Thursday
- Conservation, Maintenance and Dams—(Dinece, Joe, and Charlie)
- Community Relations—Sandi
- Successful Halloween party—maybe tag food donations next year
- Firewise—Charlie Bennett
- Need hours for Firewise
- Dry hydrant will be next year since the county is slammed
- Security—Charlie
- Cart is tucked away for winter
- Unfinished Business
- Legal update
- RLCA now has clear title and water rights are with the RLCA—Powers basically transferred all the east side and 2/3 of the lake and the assessor was unwilling to do the transfer resulting in the deed not being transferred but it clouded all the property titles.
- RLCA will now move forward to drop the 3rd party complaint against the RWA
- Powers is appealing the appeal of the Banner Bank lawsuit and apparently the appellate court is booked until next summer or fall.
- Legal update
- New Business
- Review and update of the “Dues Collection Policy”—Jim Boothby
- Looking into taking credit card payments with Square directly to the RLCA Bank account
- Robert Syverson motions to adopt a new collection policy and Jeff Toffer seconds and all are in favor of adopting the new policy
- Review and update of the “Dues Collection Policy”—Jim Boothby
- Open Forum
- Charlie Bennett says that the RWA and RLCA will be working together as one team
- Motion to adjourn by Robert Syverson, and Jim Boothby seconds. All are in favor and meeting is adjourned at 7:25