OCTOBER 4, 2022
Present: Joe Kokinda, Jim Boothby, Gary Long, Robert Syverson, Joe Dickinson, Russ Bishop, Terry Zoesch, Jeff Toffer Not Present: Sandi Bennett
1. Call to order —meeting called to order at 6:00 PM and recorded by audio
2. Minutes of previous meeting
a. Terry motions to approve minutes, Robert seconds—minutes are approved unanimously
3. Reports of Officers
a. Robert Syverson-Vice-President
i. Potholes are patched on Sheets Rd with no volunteers from the community–thanks to Rick and Adam Hayes
b. Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby
i. See addendum
ii. Roads account has increased with the leftover funds from last year
c. Report of Secretary—Sandi Bennett not present
4. Reports of Standing Committees
a. CMD—Gary Long
i. 15-20 people showed up for work party and painted the community center, new entry way roof, pulled out dock at Bald Eagle, steps put in to south dam valves,
ii. Project list—working on estimate on surveying both dams, looking at the signs that need replacing and possible new signs (some replacing of signs will be going on next month), Rick Hayes looking at falling some hazard trees on community property, dock repair, and perhaps getting a dock to turtle beach to get in by spring, finish painting trim on community center. Clean up and paint Community Center over winter and organize the office with the RWA materials in there.
iii. Always looking for ideas to help with lake health—must check with Dept of Fish and Wildlife (Jeffrey Lowel sp?) to let them know what our plans are and then they will let us know what is required permit wise.
b. Public Relations/Social Committee—Joe Kokinda
i. Milan-Elk Road Clean up starting at the Bennett’s 37116 N Dunn Rd and going to Riverside (Watson’s) Market, October 15th at 10:00 AM
ii. The new RWA board are selected the second Tuesday of each month to have their board meetings. There first board meeting will be at 6 PM at the Community Center on October 11th. Eastside members please show up and show your support for this new board
iii. October 14th, starting at 4:30 there will be adult scary movie night at the Ward’s featuring two scary movies starting around 7 PM. Address is 37121 N Lakeside Dr
iv. The Ward’s are also having a family fun day on October 15th to celebrate Halloween starting at 4 PM with a kid’s Halloween movie at 7 PM. Lots of games and prizes too. Address, again, is 37121 N Lakeside Dr. We need some adult volunteers to help the kids have fun and play
v. And finally, the Bennett’s are again having trick or treating starting at 3 PM on Halloween, October 31st, with full size candy bars, a taco bar, and a bonfire. Bigfoot promises to make an appearance again! We hope to see you and your family trick or treating or hanging around the bonfire.
vi. Let’s get all the neighbors together for these events and have fun. See you all there!
vii. In addition, the October calendar is out on email too!
c. Firewise Report—Charlie Bennett
i. Still waiting on the permits for the dry fire hydrant. Still could happen at the first of November
ii. 15-20 people have sent Firewise hours, but the more, the better—anything you can do to fireproof your property and our community it all goes toward beefing up our grant for next year
d. Security—Gary Long
i. With the potholes being repaired, more people are speeding and it seems to be possibly from the Air BnB.
e. Legal update—Joe Kokinda
i. There is a new RWA board so hopefully we will be hammering out a new agreement, without lawyers, and hopefully can get an agreement between boards and getting rid of the third part complaint and put all the lawsuits behind us.
5. New Business
a. Franklin Accounting
i. Trying to add new services (record checks written by association, reconcile bank statements and provide financial statements/reports to board when requested)
1. Current bill is $825—for $375 more will do all the rest. For the additional $375, a licensed CPA is doing the accounting work and take some of the work from the Treasurer, and there would be more trust from the community
a. Motion to table new services by Gary Long and Terry Zoesch seconds. Vote by board is all in favor
b. November meeting
i. Robert Syverson motions to have a November meeting and Jim Boothby seconds. All are in favor
c. Open Forum
i. Charlie Bennett wants a board vote to draw down lake for dry hydrant. Decision deferred to the CMD committee
6. Adjournment—Robert Syverson moves to adjourn and motion is seconded by Terry Zoesch. All in favor and meeting is adjourned