2022-08-02 Board Meeting Minutes



August 2, 2022

Present: Joe Kokinda, Sandi Bennett, Gary Long, Russ Bishop, Joe Dickinson, Jim Boothby—Not Present, Robert Syverson, Jeff Toffer, Charlie Bennett (available by phone)

  1. Call the meeting to order at 6:00 PM
    1. Meeting audio recorded only
  2. Minutes of the previous board meeting
    1. Gary Long moves to approve the minutes, and Joe Dickinson seconds. All unanimously approve
  3. Reports of officers
    1. Report of Vice-President—Robert Syverson (not present)
    2. Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby—see addendum
    3. Report of Secretary—Sandi Bennett
      1. Concerned that a member that is suing the Reflection Lake Community Association and the RLCA board is now on the board. Need to discuss in new business.
  4. Reports of Standing Committees
    1. Conservation, Maintenance and Dams—Gary
      1. Nothing new since Saturday’s annual meeting
    2. Community Relations—Sandi
      1. Nothing new since Saturday’s annual meeting
    3. Firewise—Sandi
      1. Will send an email in October to get your estimated hours for Firewise, and we still be getting the draft site in this year
    4. Security—Gary
      1. Nothing new since Saturday’s annual meeting
  5. Unfinished business—nothing since Saturday’s annual meeting
  6. New business—
    1. By-law amendment question to extend by-law voting?
      1. Joe Kokinda’s understanding that the voting was closed at the time of the annual meeting, but Jerry called to ask that it be put before the board to extend the voting of the bylaws
      2. Jerry says it was mistake to send in same mailing and caused some confusion
      3. Lucinda went out and got more votes to get the amendments passed after the voting was closed at the annual meeting
        1. Sandi Bennett moves to table the discussion until we have further information/clarification, Joe Dickinson seconds—4 to table (Charlie, Sandi, Joe D, Joe K.) (Russ, Jim, and Gary vote to push through). Will table to next meeting.
    2. Russ needs to recuse himself when any strategy is discussed with the lawsuits
  7. Open Forum
    1. Terry Zoesch states that perhaps alternates should be allowed to vote if board members are not present, and alternates should be first up when there is an opening for a board member—also that any decisions be delayed a month for future business to give the community time to make decisions
      1. Policy needs to address this issue (alternates to sign in perhaps?)
    2. Jim Boothby resigns as Treasurer by next month’s meeting. We need to find a new Treasurer.
    3. Lucinda states that members do not have to be members in good standing in order to vote.
      1. The board does believe that the members have to be in good standing but cannot find the bylaw at the time (later found it in 9.1, second paragraph)
        1. Lucinda will look into it further.
  8. Adjournment—
    1. Gary Long motions to adjourn meeting and Jim Boothby seconds. Meeting is adjourned 7:20.
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