2022-07-30 Annual Meeting

Reflection Lake Community Association

Annual Meeting, July 30, 2022

Jeff Toffer, Bill Pease, Sandi Bennett, Robert Syverson, Joe Kokinda, Gary Long, Joe Dickinson, Jim Boothby all present.

  1. Call to Order at 10:06 by acting President Joe Kokinda
  2. Election Committee—Lucinda Wiser
    1. Tee shirts and books available for purchase
    2. Polls are now closed
    3. No nominations from the floor for board of directors members
  3. Minutes of the previous annual meeting are approved—Sandi
    1. Robert Syverson moves to approve and Joe Dickinson seconded. Unanimous to approve previous annual meeting minutes from 2021
  4. Budget approval—Jim Boothby
    1. Budgets were sent out to all members to be voted on with the ballots, or you can vote at annual meeting if you did not vote on your ballot
  5. Capital Projects—Jim Boothby(basically a list for projects when and if money becomes available)
    1. Culverts, Greenbelts, Signs, Community Center Repairs, Repair Docks, N. Dam Dry hydrant
    2. Eagle Beach Expansions (a rinsing system), Shore Up/Rebuild Fish Hatchery, Repair Docks (Bishops, Bing), Replace skimmer on north dam, and repair/maintain bridge at south dam
  6. Reports of Standing Committee
    1. Conservation, Maintenance, Dams—Gary Long
      1. Appreciation of Dan Loos, and Rick Hayes for their volunteerism
      2. Accomplishments–Rock on the south dam—almost done, graveling some of the washout areas from the heavy spring rains, platform around the south dam valve installed (all donated material and time), reinstalled the rules board sign, new backing on the some of the rules signs, assisted on removal of the manufactured home on lot 1, maintenance of valves, fish planted
      3. Sample taken from lake and should have results tomorrow. (results came in later in the meeting—The number was a low 33, so the lake is safe for animals and people. It would be considered unsafe at 300
      4. Leeches have been in the lake a long time—some may not be leeches and they are a good thing in the ecosystem
      5. Major projects upcoming, survey both dams, replacing turtle beach dock, more rock on the dams, community center minor maintenance (paint, roof at entrance), dry hydrant, fence at lot 1, aerators for the lake (Kerry has donated hers and we will see if that can work or be repaired)
    2. Security—Gary
      1. Not much to report, some non-residents fishing, thank you to all for no fireworks,
      2. Biggest concern, is speeding on the road—wildlife and pets have been killed due to speeders and we want to keep our children safe. Private roads are 15, 10 on frontage, 10 on lower sheets, 25 on lakeside
    3. Roads—Robert
      1. Gravel on sheets is getting kicked out by cars, dirt bikes, weather—getting with Rick to tamp gravel, and someone suggested cold patch for the pot holes on Sheets Rd.
      2. Will be putting up new speed limit signs
      3. There is still a roads account and all money left over from budget will be rolled over into the roads account
    4. Firewise—Sandi
      1. Since 2018 the Reflection Lake Firewise site has grown steadily. The first year had grants of $1500 and has grown to grants of $7000.
      2. It’s not a matter of if, but when will a large wildfire impact this community. DNR calls it the urban interface. This is where more people move from the cities and into rural areas such as we have here. Around 90% of all fire starts are human caused. But humans can also take steps to protect our homes and community. Wildfire does not discriminate or stop at property lines, so it benefits us all to plan and to work together to build defensible space. There is always valuable literature available at the community center and here today with ideas, methods, and evacuation information to prepare you to stand your ground or get out when faced with wildfire. Please take some brochures with you today.
      3. Grants begin with an accounting of what was done this year. Give any board member a rough idea of how much time you spent this year creating defensible space around your home. This includes raking, trimming, cleaning debris from around your home and outbuildings, burning, or anything else which would provide protection of your property from a wildfire in our area. A wildfire need only come within a mile or two of us for the danger form burning embers carried by wind to put us in danger. The accounting of hours is a guideline for next years grant amount. Please participate so that we can keep Firewise alive and our community safe!
        1. Discussion—If helicopters have to dip from the lake please get off the lake
        2. Have permits paid for and physical part of the dry hydrant already
        3. Please check with your insurance company because Firewise has decreased our fire rating and also when the dry hydrant is installed it could lower your insurance costs
    5. Public Relations—Sandi Bennett
      1. Thanks to all that helped put on the annual meeting and if you have ideas that you would like to see at the lake—we would like more social things going on.
  7. Legal Update—Joe Kokinda
    1. Not much since the last board meeting except that we will be going back to mediation
  8. Open Forum—Thanks to all those that participated in open forum including Dinece Brown, Dan Freas, Debbie Myers, Paul Vanderlinde.
  9. We are partially adjourning while we wait for the election results at 11:25. Enjoy the food!
  10. Election Results—Lucinda Wiser
    1. The three voted onto the board are Jim Boothby, Charlie Bennett, and Russ Bishop
    2. The only bylaw to pass is to Amend Bylaw 4.2 Annual Dues. Change dues collection date from June 1 to August 1 to reflect the actual October 1 budget. Effective August 1, 2023
    3. 2022-2023 budget is approved
  11. Executive Session to elect officers
    1. Joe Kokinda—President, Robert Syverson—Vice-President, Jim Boothby—Treasurer, and Sandi Bennett—Secretary
  12. Annual meeting is adjourned


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