2022-06-07 Board Meeting Minutes


Present: Joe Dickinson, Bill Pease, Joe Kokinda, Charles Bennett, Jeff Toffer, Gary Long, Jim Boothby, Sandi Bennett (Robert Syverson arrives at 6:15).

  1. Call to Order-Audio recording, (Several people have objected to the video recording and according to RCW 9.73.030 states that it is a 2-party state for consent) Markley objects to the RCW and says it is in our agreement and the video recording has been turned off, but audio recording is going forward.
  2. Minutes of previous meeting: Gary Long motions to accept the minutes from May and Jeff Toffer seconds. Minutes are approved unanimously.
  3. Reports of Officers
    1. Report of Vice-President—Joe Kokinda
      1. Needs freezer and refrigerator space for yard sale baked goods—several people offered to provide space
    2. Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby
      1. 2022-2023 budget review
        1. Jim Boothby motions to accept the revised budget(after discussion by the board and members), Joe Kokinda seconds and it’s unanimously approved by the board.
    3. Report of Secretary—Sandi Bennett
      1. Nothing at this time
  4. Reports of Standing Committees
    1. Conservation, Maintenance, and Dams—Dan Loos
      1. No meeting… but will order additional rock for dam, since it is in the budget
      2. Charlie mentioned that gravel needs to be bought for Barkley and the sign needs to be replaced at the corner. But after discussion since Markham homes needs to replace gravel at Barkley’s house after the recent washout, we will wait to see if there is additional need for more gravel at Barkley’s
    2. Community Relations—Diana Kenworthy
      1. See addendum
      2. History books available now
    3. Roads—Robert Syverson
      1. Tools being donated for the community garage sale go for funding for the road
    4. Security—Gary Long
      1. It is the whole community responsible for the lake, not just those volunteering their time to go around in the golf cart—there is no stipend for security, but more volunteers are always needed to help with rounds, especially on Saturdays and Sundays. Please lock the gate behind you when you go to Bald Eagle Beach
      2. Please do not leave fish guts on the beach
      3. Apparently hooks dissolve—so it might be best to not take the hook out, just cut and release instead of touching the fish
    5. Firewise—Charlie Benentt
      1. See addendum
      2. We will announce when the lake will be lowered for the draft site, so people can repair their own docks etc. while the lake is lowered—most likely in the fall…
  5. Unfinished business
    1. Legal Update
      1. Had a hearing last week—Judge Clark ruled that the settlement agreement was a contract, even though the board sees it as only part of an agreement. We will go to mediation again. Hearing on June 17th to determine the payment of the money that Powers owes the community for his frivolous appeal
  6. New Business
    1. Rick Hayes has donated a portion of his yard fees for the year to help with the lawsuit. This last bill submitted was for $630—that $630 can now go to help pay for the lawsuits
    2. There is a suggestion to change the board meeting day and time due to conflicts. This change discussion is tabled to after the elections
  7. Open Forum—questions about legal situation—will send out a legal update as soon as we have the ruling from the judge from the 17th
  8. Joe Kokinda motions for an executive session to discuss lawsuit and Gary Long seconds—all approve and meeting is going into special session at 7:45
  9. Meeting is reconvened and Sandi Bennett motions to adjourn meeting and Robert Syverson seconds. Meeting is adjourned at 8:20
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