2022-02-01 Board Meeting Minutes



RLCA Board of Director’s Meeting—Feb. 1st, 2022

Present—Charlie Bennett, Joe Kokinda, Joe Dickinson, Jeff Toffer, Gary Long, Bill Pease, Robert Syverson, Jim Boothby, Sandi Bennett

  1. Call to Order—meeting recorded, audio only
    1. Joe Kokinda is the new board member replacing Angela Ward
    2. Joe Dickinson nominated Joe Kokinda as vice president. Joe K accepts
  2. Minutes of previous meeting—Toffer approves and Robert seconds
  3. Reports of Officers
    1. Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby (see addendum)
    2. Report of Secretary—Sandi Bennett
  4. Reports of Standing Committees
    1. Conservation, Maintenance and Dams—Dan/Gary
      1. Meetings last Tuesday of every month at 6:00 at the community center
        1. Wish list: complete dam rock, fish, elevation surveys for both dams that the state requires, deck around the valve (Jeff Toffer will work on the survey)
        2. Still monitoring dip on north dam—is it getting longer?
        3. Would like to thank Rick and Adam for their time spent in the community
    2. Community Relations—Diana (Sandi reading her statement) (see addendum)
    3. Roads Committee—No change due to winter time
      1. Let’s get the bucket with sand back so you can throw sand down on the road if you get in trouble
    4. Firewise—Charlie (see addendum)
    5. Form new committee—by laws committee—Jeff Toffer will chair
      1. Sign up sheet going around
      2. Let Jeff Toffer know if you want to join
      3. First meeting will be Feb 26 at Jeff Toffer’s house at 10:00 a.m.
  5. Unfinished Business
    1. Legal Update—addendum
  6. New Business
    1. Sign is bent—posts need to be erected to ruin cars not our sign—on the CMD list
    2. List of delinquent dues—is it time to lien the properties that have been delinquent more than a year.
      1. Sandi makes a motion that we will talk to them one more time, and if they make no payments and/or arrangements their property will be liened on April 1st. Robert seconds.
  7. Open Forum
    1. Mr. Markley wants to be on record saying he is against the lawsuit
    2. We will need to probably have donations for fish, because of the legal expenditures
    3. Dan is interested in putting artificial reefs in the lake for fish habitat—any Ideas?
  8. Special session to discuss legal issues amongst the board—reconvene in an hour
    1. Robert motions and Bill seconds
  9. Special session was closed, board meeting reconvenes, opening to members and was adjourned at 8:00


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