RLCA Board of Director’s Meeting—Feb. 1st, 2022
Present—Charlie Bennett, Joe Kokinda, Joe Dickinson, Jeff Toffer, Gary Long, Bill Pease, Robert Syverson, Jim Boothby, Sandi Bennett
- Call to Order—meeting recorded, audio only
- Joe Kokinda is the new board member replacing Angela Ward
- Joe Dickinson nominated Joe Kokinda as vice president. Joe K accepts
- Minutes of previous meeting—Toffer approves and Robert seconds
- Reports of Officers
- Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby (see addendum)
- Report of Secretary—Sandi Bennett
- Reports of Standing Committees
- Conservation, Maintenance and Dams—Dan/Gary
- Meetings last Tuesday of every month at 6:00 at the community center
- Wish list: complete dam rock, fish, elevation surveys for both dams that the state requires, deck around the valve (Jeff Toffer will work on the survey)
- Still monitoring dip on north dam—is it getting longer?
- Would like to thank Rick and Adam for their time spent in the community
- Meetings last Tuesday of every month at 6:00 at the community center
- Community Relations—Diana (Sandi reading her statement) (see addendum)
- Roads Committee—No change due to winter time
- Let’s get the bucket with sand back so you can throw sand down on the road if you get in trouble
- Firewise—Charlie (see addendum)
- Form new committee—by laws committee—Jeff Toffer will chair
- Sign up sheet going around
- Let Jeff Toffer know if you want to join
- First meeting will be Feb 26 at Jeff Toffer’s house at 10:00 a.m.
- Conservation, Maintenance and Dams—Dan/Gary
- Unfinished Business
- Legal Update—addendum
- New Business
- Sign is bent—posts need to be erected to ruin cars not our sign—on the CMD list
- List of delinquent dues—is it time to lien the properties that have been delinquent more than a year.
- Sandi makes a motion that we will talk to them one more time, and if they make no payments and/or arrangements their property will be liened on April 1st. Robert seconds.
- Open Forum
- Mr. Markley wants to be on record saying he is against the lawsuit
- We will need to probably have donations for fish, because of the legal expenditures
- Dan is interested in putting artificial reefs in the lake for fish habitat—any Ideas?
- Special session to discuss legal issues amongst the board—reconvene in an hour
- Robert motions and Bill seconds
- Special session was closed, board meeting reconvenes, opening to members and was adjourned at 8:00