2021-09-07 Board Meeting


Community Association

RLCA Board of Directors Meeting–Sept 7, 2021

Present board members: Charlie Bennett, Angie Ward, Jim Boothby, Gary Long, Bill Pease, Joe Dickinson, and Sandi Bennett

1. Charlie Bennett calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

a. meeting is audio recorded

2. Sandi moves to approve the minutes of the August 3, 2021 meeting and Angie seconds. Minutes are approved unanimously.

3. Reports of officers

a. Vice-President–Angie

1. I did some research into the ADA question from the last meeting. Since we are private, we do not have to comply with the ADA regulations. But if someone is having a need then please bring it to us and if we are able to do it according to budget and ability, we will certainly try to accommodate them.

2. In addition, husbands and wives are allowed on boards unless the bylaws specifically state otherwise.

b. Treasurer–Jim (report)

1. Liens will be issued if debts are over two years and not paid by October.  Watson Management is no longer used by RLCA as our collections agent.

2.Franklin Accounting, located in Deer Park, is our new collections agent.
Their phone number is 509-276-5056.

c. Secretary–Sandi

1. We will likely be sending an email out in the next week or two. Please let me know if you are not getting our email. We will also be using BCC, so it will look like a personal email from Reflection Lake and no personal email addresses will not be visible.

4. Reports of Standing Committees

a. CMD Committee-Dan Loos (See attached report)

1. Sandi motions that $1400-1600 is used from garage sale funds to deliver two more rock loads to cover the spot that is eroding. Gary seconds. Motion passes unanimously.

2. Bill makes a motion to exercise the valve and additionally, lower the lake on October 2nd. The valve will also be exercised in the spring. Angie seconds. Motion passes unanimously.

b. Community Relations–Sandi reading report (See attached report)

1. boat sale will probably have to be delayed because it has been found that there are legal steps to comply with when selling abandoned property. Perhaps move them to one area to determine if they are truly abandoned?

2. Does anyone want to help with formatting/putting the newsletter together?

c. Roads–Ben—

1. the separate account is set up–any ideas for any companies that might want to donate? And if any RLCA members could personally donate? Even the west side has an interest to get the road improved since they use it quite a bit too. For example, a$200 donation per person would bring the money to almost $40,000 and the east side would foot the rest. It seems more logical to have some money in the roads bank account before we get additional bids for the road.

d. Firewise–Charlie (see attached report)

5. Unfinished business–none

a. legal update—Mediation has occurred, and preliminary agreement has been reached, yet nothing has been signed

6. New Business

a. form a bylaws committee? It needs to be delayed until next month.

7. Open Forum–Donna Mac lost a giant innertube (a type that can be pulled behind a boat) over 4th of July. Please let her or us know if you have found it

8. Adjournment: Angie moves to adjourn and Bill seconds. All are in favor of adjournment

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