RLCA Board Meeting: August 3, 2021
Present are: Charlie Bennett, Angie Ward, Jim Boothby, Sandi Bennett, Bill Pease, Jeff Toffer, Joe Dickinson, Robert Syverson–not present Gary Long
1. Charlie Bennettt calls meeting to order at 6:00
a. Zoom will be used for important meetings that concern all community members
b. Terms of board members
Angie Ward, Gary Long, Sandi Bennett: 3 year terms: term expiring in 2024
Joe Dickinson, Jeff Toffer, Charlie Bennett: 2 more years: term expiring in 2023
Jim Boothby, Robert Syverson, Bill Pease: 1 more year: term expiring in 2022
2. Minutes of previous meetings–approval of July 6th board meeting and annual meeting
a. Sandi moves to approve minutes from previous board meeting,
Jeff seconds, and all approve
b. Jeff moves to approve annual meeting minutes and Bill seconds and all approve
3. Reports of officers
a. Report of Treasurer–Jim Boothby–Jeff moves to approve, Robert seconds and all approve–see attached report
1. Check signers list will now be: Charlie Bennett, Jeff Toffer, Joe Dickinson, Jim Boothby
2. Delete from signers list: Rick Smith
b. Report of Secretary–Sandi Bennett
1. Committee Chairs–please send to me your monthly board reports to include in minutes
2. Working on updating community members list
4. Report of Standing Committees
a. CMD–Charlie Bennett standing in for Dan and Gary
1. See attached report
b. Community Relations–Sandi Bennett
1. Future Halloween party
2. Meetings are the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00
c. Roads Committee–Ben Bersagel (new chair of committee)
1. New speed limit signs to put up
2. Setting up a roads budget account for roads only
3. Meetings are the second Tuesday of month at 6:00 now
d. Firewise–Charlie Bennett
1. see attached report
5. Unfinished business
a. Mediation on August 24th for the Lee/Powers lawsuit
6. New business
a. Airbnb rules–same as the guest rules ( guest pass is good for one guest and members of the immediate family only
1. please let any board member know immediately of any major issues–noise complaint. For speeding or other police issues call the police as well.
b. Jeff asks who would be interested in working on a Bylaw rewrite?
Jeff Toffer, Kent and Angie Ward, Rob Lee, Joe Kokinda, and Deniece Brown, Charlie Bennett are interested
7. Open Forum
1. Jim Markley–still has concerns that bylaws are not being followed, for example. The board will look into these.
a. husband and wife on the same board
b. ADA compliance in community common areas
c. concerns that the appeal is not on the website
8. Call for special session–Angie moved and Robert seconded.
9. Adjournment–Joe Dickinson moved to adjourn meeting and Jeff Toffer seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:00