
Hi Reflection Lake Neighbors,

February 2, 2021 at 6:00 is our next RLCA Board meeting.  Please see the agenda for this meeting below.  We are experimenting with having a dual format meeting.  We will have an in person meeting at the RLCA Community Center.  Please remember to wear your masks, wash your hands and keep your distance. If you plan to attend in person please dress warmly.  It is likely to be cold with doors open.
To keep this meeting small we are also running a zoom meeting simultaneously.  Please be patient with us as we learn about how to best use zoom.  What we have learned so far:
     1) Please sign in with your name
     2) Keep mute on for the meeting except the end when we come to the open forum.
     3) Please do not turn on your video in order to save bandwidth.
     4) See your email for sign-on details, or contact me below.
If you have questions about how to download and use zoom you can contact me via [email protected].
  • Opening
    Call to order
    Welcome comments
    Roll call
  • Old Business
    Secretary presents previous minutes for review/correction/approval
    Status of lawsuits
    Lake calendar project
    Lake valve maintenance (bringing forward motion from 10/6/20 meeting)
  • New Business
    Treasurer’s report
    Money for stocking fish?
    Secretary’s report
    New members Voss and DeCoff
    Conservation, Maintenance and Dams (CMD)
    Maintenance and safety reports for Ecology
    Elevation survey
    Other committee reports?
    Publish draft minutes of all meetings?
  • Other new business
  • Open Forum
  • Move to Adjourn / adjournment

Thanks so much,

Lucinda Wiser
Public Relations Chair
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