2020 February Special Meeting

RLCA and RLWA Special Meeting – February 6, 2020

RLCA Board members present: President Glen Mumm, VP Charlie Bennett, Secretary Vonnie Hutchison, Treasurer Jim Boothby, Dan Loos, Gary Long, Jeff Toffer, Chad Boyd.

RLWA Board members present  Susan Weeks, President, Neil Kimball, VP, Jim Powers, Jim Case and Jeanie

Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm in the Community Church.  We’re recording these meetings so the minutes can be accurately transcribed.  The recording is destroyed when the minutes are approved.

RLCA President-Glen Mumm:  Agenda:

Statements from Reflection Lake and then will go to the Water Assn president and VP.  We will then open it up for discussion and then open it up for discussion.  I would like to ask everyone who attends tonight not to interrupt the RLCA or RLWA.  Once both sides will have the opportunity to share their information then we will be

The issue we have is not a new one and actually goes back to 1998.  I will read to you the dates of the

Nov 16, 2018 minutes from the board meeting.  Jim wants to know if the water association is looking at future growth and maybe do a quarterly meeting with them.

March, 1029 Water Board Committee, Jeff and Charlie will be the liaisons .  We would like to have someone from their committee come to our meetings also.

April 2019 WBC  Barbara Wilson will be back in town and they will continue

June 4, 2019 Roads Committee Robert Sverson, we were also trying to connect with the Water .  No one attended

June 2, 2019, Water Board meeting.  Jeff is going to the meeting and there was nothing shared with us.

August 6, 2019, we set our goals at that meeting.  One of the goals set was work with that

Timeline and generally get this thing going and be of assistance wherever we can.\

Sept 3, 2019 Lease lot water assn committee.  We turned back 3 of the 4 for a savings to the committee.  The assn is responsible for all the properties and all .  We have proof of us having to bail those systems out in the past.  RLWA did not attent this meeting.

Oct 1, 2019  Chad Boyd, waiting for the water assn   .  Low income neighborhood.  Roll the roads in that could really help.

Charlie meeting will be October.  RLWA did not attend out assn meeting.

Now I would like to read to you a transcript of the meeting with Susan.  Susan contacted me to get together for a chat.  We spent some time chatting about some of the .  Attempting to get a grant and RLWA had sent a letter.  Susan asked what RLCA board wanted.  I told Susan that she needed to send a request to the RLCA email account

How they are to operate under the board.  We only have their best interet in mind

RLCA board with the requested info.

December 2019, Charlie Bennett received information that Douglass sold his lots to a developer.

On August 2019 with a list to concerns prepared by Jim Boothby.  Does the Water Board understand that they are under the RLCA

Do you have annual meetings?

6.  Do you issue reports.


9.  Do you have any documents that give you authority

12.  The water system manager is a contract member.  All paid contractors

How can we help you succeed?  I had only one question, has the RLCA sent out a letter that based on the info that Dave Tice

Full disclosure was necessary to relieve any legal problems.  There was not information

Decembver 2019, we now had knowledge

Not be able to provide RlWA water shortages.

I was asked by Charlie Bennett and Jim Boothby to call a special meeting of the RLCA board.  Not a secret meeting.  The day the meeting was set on January ??, 2020.  All nine confirmed.  The meeting was called to order with all board attendance…  step down and be replaced by another   We are a volunteer group here and it takes time to make sure they minutes are accurate.  11 pages are double

Then in conjunction with that we sent out a letter to the entire community.  The assn has the … if we fail to keep up with this change we will all pay through higher assessments.  We thought it was time we had this special meeting.

Secret meeting, July not share with the RLCA is wanting to take ownership to the …  My cost is who is going to can’t even manage the ones we have all ready had.  This was a committee meeting that was called and invited Dave Tice.  In my opinion we as a community

Your current meeting is not appropriate.

Terry:  This was put in my mailbox and I can prove it and it does not give you 10 days for the meeting.

Despite all you are here tonight we are here tonight to work toward an equitable solution for all concerned.

Charlie Bennett:  I’ve been at the lake since 2017 and 2018

I found myself in a unique position to solve these issues that have been going on

Community and here we are.  One of the first things I learned from the water assn that there was infrastructure that needed to be addressed.  I assured them that

April 2019, Dave Tice made a motion to start an email communication immediately in order to get any loans or grants to get started.  Communication never happened.  The current relationship between RLCA and RLWA … providing strong legal basis.  Although they are two separate entities … through the greenbelt … above the wellhead for everyone to use.  The lake assn gave their blessing.  We did some cleaning and planted some trees.  But continued trying to communicate with their president.  The water assn applied for a grant and asked … my questions were dismissed and the president told me to move on.

Why would I want to sabotage my own water.  I didn’t.  Merged in 1984.  I’m an eastside water

The fire department has been… to stop a wildfire.  RLCA has budgeted money … Firewise is another venture of the two meetings.  We are Firewise of USA.  There are

RLCWA President-Susan Weeks:   It’s nice to see so many people.  All of you are members of the lake assn and some of you are part of the water board.  Use your vote to take action.  We have a slide show presentation.

Jim Powers:  the past few months have been somewhat stressful Some of the statements made by our predecessor .. or accept that we are in charge.  Jim is reading the special board meeting minutes.

We file taxes and are a separate entity …  our ReflectionLakeWater.org   the first goal is … water rights by the …  third thing is a lease for the spring, pump the LA has never indicated any interest in protecting the water.

Neil Kimball, VP:  folks I spent 8 years on the WB, I’d like to make a point that everyone is …  those are the people that have a special interest in the water assn.  We have attained an atty to get us to this point and everything says that the water assn is a separate entity and we need to have that recognized by the RLCA.  The issue is that we wanted to the community to attain grants and loans … that will help us be able to do that.  Can we take care of the issues with the water.  We are granted by the water rights.  The only one that wins is the atty.  We want to come up with the three goals that we talked about

1.  Agreement that we recognize that we are a separate entity and we have the right to do this.  We are two organization and the names are close together.  Tried to serve their community .  2012 document I created.  Folks, we need to clarify this.  We have been allowed to serve  will not happen again and it’s done and over with.  My point is if we are going to go into those documents we will find that the water assn that the water rights to begin with and have the use of the land and our hope is we can get this taken care of.  I have a tendency to talk to much but I hope we can get the

2. Water rights, we need to have legal documents that says we can use those

3. Property rights that we have used for 50 years.  It appears that what the lake assn board and presidency is working toward is they’re looking for the money from the grants.

Jim Boothby:  I was on the LA board for about 16 years.  This water assn has gotten was out of hand.  I lent the WA $16k because the contractor was not paid on time.  We were trying to …  I went through all the minutes We were always helping each other.  We had Ernie Blake.  They use to work together with each other.  There were two sides and they were separated.  The two sides worked on the dams.  In turn the water system was put in.  Jim Case, in ’83 Jim Case came onto the WB.  I joined the The water system was documented by RCLA was not contributing to the water system.  The pump house has been rebuilt twice.  Water system was paid for by the users.  When they almost lost the water system, we helped get that paid.  ’87-02 the water board screwups you’ll find both sides of the fence.  The upgrade had some real problems with the treasurer.  Every check has to be double signed.  In 2002 the contract was.  Nobody on the RLCA on the west side wants to be involved in the water board.  The assn board isn’t trying to take over anything.  We don’t want to have any liability.  We want to have the road fixed.  We want to have the water system fixed.  If we give up something then you need to give up something.  The assn oversees the common areas of the assn.  We have to get together and get We all want a great water system and get the roads fixed.  The grant was not going to fly w/o us signing off of it.

Angie Lee:  I’m reading this letter by Richard Miller.  Wasn’t even informed that WB.  I retracted my are being accepted on ultimately collapse and fail and then we will …  I got sucked into …  I would take  …  if there is any firing to be done.  This meeting is about 4 major events of concern  Firewise, SCA,

Terry:  My family has been here since the early ‘60s and yes, I have not been a resident until 2006.  Water rights we’re talking about surface water rights, not all the springs that exist from the fish hatchery.  Only the surface water.  The only ones that I’m aware of that agreed to was Susan.  Surface water rights do not give you superior water rights on what happens to those surface outlets.  The state owns what’s underground and control those water rights at the surface.  I don’t necessarily agree that we’re giving up our water rights.  I have being on the board because there was too much conflict.  The ones on the east side were a landowners assn.  As such, as a member of good standing, of the RLCA community with 4% of the votes

Following resolutions:

1.  Each vote shall be recorded and published with actional account.  One vote per lot owned.  Excluded are the lots that have not paid.  For anyone on the lease lots that have been forgiven dues do not get a vote.  170 votes.  Any vote taken by those in attendance have to be non-profit assn, all laws of the federal, state and county laws today.  There are some things in our covenants that are not legal.  Any modifications to our RLCR will require a certified special election.  And are currently legally filed CCRs.  There seems to be an attempt here to bypass that.  20% of any of the entire, is all it takes to require members to remove any and all board members.

Steve Hipke:  During the assn’s presentation you said the water board.  Were those part of the agenda and was the WB invited?

Glen:  for the last three years we’ve been attempting to improve the roads.  And then we became aware that the water assn was in need to do some major upgrades to our system.

Steve Hipke:  One board re

Rob Lee:

Prepared by Vonnie Hutchison, Secretary

Glen Mumm, President

Vonnie Hutchison, Secretary

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