2019 July Board Meeting Minutes

Reflection Lake Community Association Board Meeting – July 2, 2019

Board members present:  President Glen Mumm, VP Dan Loos, Secretary Vonnie Hutchison, Treasurer Jim Boothby, Security Gary Long, CC&R’s and Bylaws Committee Jeff Toffer, Social Committee Richard Miller, Firewise Charlie Bennett

Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm in the RLCA community room.  We’re recording these meetings so the minutes can be accurately transcribed.  The recording is destroyed when the minutes are approved.

Minutes from the last meeting:  Any additions or corrections to June’s minutes? There is a motion and second to waive the reading of the minutes. Motion to accept the minutes from the last meeting by Jim and seconded by Charlie.  Motion passes.  June’s minutes are on the website now.


President-Glen Mumm:  We are now in the process of documenting everyone having a comment on a subject on a committee or something for the good of the order.  If anyone has any comments, please print your name on the signup sheet.

VP-Dan Loos:  nothing to report.

Secretary Report-Vonnie Hutchison:  I think we should have anyone wanting to speak to stand up and give their name just in case they thought of something they wanted to ask or say and didn’t sign the sheet.  John Fechner wants speakers to stand and identify themselves and where they live.  It’s hard to determine that you have anything to say something until the topic is introduced.  John says normally you would identify yourself with each topic.  Glen states the other issue we’re trying to address is the chaos during the meetings.  Make a requirement to stand and introduce yourself.  The signup sheet is a cross purpose to that.  Gary suggests the good of the order for ideas that come up.

John Fechner says it’s not unique to this Board, but an executive meeting is supposed to be handled in a particular way and it is spelled out in our bylaws.  Board, what Richard wanted was not an executive meeting but a chance to discuss a personal issue with the Board.  There was no association business conducted at that meeting.  Gary has read the bylaws and says there isn’t anything in the bylaws that addresses executive meetings, however there are executive meetings where the public is excused because of sensitive issues in other situations but we haven’t had one.  If we need to have an executive meeting, we will research the proper way to do it.

Treasurer Report-Jim Boothby: Handed out report and included with written minutes.  Motion to approve by Jeff and seconded by Gary.


Conservation, Maintenance & Dams Committee (CMD) – Dan Loos:  handed out last CMD meeting minutes.  The meeting was held on the 25th and I requested a list of all completed projects from the members.  Will have the report ready for annual meeting.

North dam rock placement has begun.  Rick has started moving the rock for lot 1.  Lot 1’s “No parking after 10:00” sign on order.  Materials for Turtle Beach are on order.

We had some discussion about lowering lake level for valve maintenance.

State dam inspection indicated we had an A+.  Waiting to hear from Jeff Osborn from fish and game.  Any questions for fish and game contact Dan or Jeff.

State indicates we need to exercise the valves on the dams once a year for maintenance.  Tom Satterlake thinks there is a spring on the south end of the lake not a leak in the dam.  Annual report from the State will clarify how much to lower the lake level.

Gravel will be delivered on Turtle beach after the north dam work is done.  Asked Rick to pick up pile of refuge at Turtle Beach.  Everything is going well with fishing.

Fire hydrant is still being discussed.

Game camera was installed.  One of our association members wanted to put it up.  Asked him to not publish anything on social media because of hunters.  Jeff spotted a big cougar close to the lake, 4 miles.

Shed door project will be done after Turtle Beach, before winter hits.

Someone is removing toilet paper from outhouses.

Security-Gary Long:   Things are going well.  Steve has helped quite a bit.  New battery was installed on the old cart.  From all reports security is working.  No real problems with fishing.

Budget Committee-Jim Boothby:  Final draft of the last budget has been handed out.  Copies will be passed out at the annual meeting.  Richard will take $50 out of the $80 left over for the social committee.  $650 is the social committee budget.

Charlie says the site improvements for the dry hydrant will be about $1000.  Jim says it can’t be in the budget without knowing the exact price.  When the money comes in from FireWise we’ll have that amount available.  We need guarantees that the hydrant will happen to allocate any money.  Make a motion to approve the budget by Gary and seconded by Richard.  Motion passes to accept the budget.

Roads Committee-Robert Syverson:  Robert is not here and there haven’t been any meetings.  Susan Reimans says there are people speeding down the hill.  Take down the speed limit sign for 20 mph.  You need to call the county sheriff about speeders because Lakeside Road belongs to the county.  There are sheriffs in the area quite often.  Four wheelers should be reminded to slow down too.  If you confront speeders they will normally slow down.  On Sheets Road we’ve been negligent in keeping the speed signs uncovered.  If Sheets ever gets repaved there are removable speed bumps that can be installed.

Social Committee-Richard Miller:

Annual Picnic set for July 13th, 9:30 Community Center.  This is a potluck so we’ll need to have some ice baths for food.  Glen and Casey are bringing ice chests and shelters.  Susan will be chef and could use help.  Charlie and Sandi will help.  Everyone needs to bring chairs.  Might have Sonnenburgs sausages.  Eggers might be able to provide sausages also.  Board needs to be here at 8:00.

Welcome packets are being worked on.  We owe the school some money for copying the books.  Mark Sleizer should be allowed to bid on the cost too.  School has a copy of the welcome packet books.  Do a digital copy and put them on the website.  Debby can handle the website.  Glen has provided a cover letter for the welcome packet.  Are we including the lake association directors contact information?  Sandi will be the lake liaison and provide answers instead of giving out phone numbers.  Our email account is getting more and more information requests.  Logon can be provided to Sandi so she can post answers on Hotmail.

Yard sale signs were posted.  I removed them about 9:00 because there was no one really having a yard sale.  Glen wants a date set for monthly meetings for the social committee by the August meeting so there can be input from the members and Richard would have a chance to delegate duties.  Gary says the feedback he got was no one knew about the garage sale.

Dan will get Richard the keys for the gate.  Turtle Beach gate will be left open for the season.

CC&RS & BYLAWS COMMITTEE-Jeff Toffer:  Bylaws and covenants are almost done.

Water Board:  Jeff is going to go to the meeting.  There has been no discussion or information provided from them.  Meetings are the 3rd Saturday of the month at 10:00.

OLD BUSINESS:  Nothing from FireWise.  Meagan from the fire department is going to get together some information for our annual meeting.  We should invite her to come.

NEW BUSINESS:  Agenda for the annual meeting:  Setup bench outside with a stack of budgets, ballots, etc. and rosters for committees. Signup for committees and agenda items.

  1. Elections are held and then ballots are counted. Donna Mack and Sandi Bennett will count the ballots.
  2. Present budget next.
  3. Vote on the budget, which can be changed or tabled by Glen.
  4. Capital project list.
  5. Discuss accomplishments for the year.
  6. Firewise report, including everything FireWise has accomplished. The help from Firewise will be repeated next year.
  7. Outstanding member award.

Secretary will provide a copy of membership list to compare ballots with landowners.

GOOD OF THE ORDER:  There have been some surveys done on lower Sheets Road.  There were some lots purchased.  Newsoms called about surveys.  The property lines at Eagle Beach are not where we thought.  We need to stop dumping asphalt at the turn around at the dam.  We assumed that was RLCA’s property, but it is not. Newsoms have been really nice about it.  They receive a reduced rate for membership for letting us use their property for the turn around.  Parking could be on the north end of the Eagle Beach area.  The sunshade is the property corner.  Jim says Lot 19, Davis and Newsom, have had free dues for use of their property since 1980.  We currently have 186 lots total that we receive income from.  Do the Newsoms have an agreement we can get a copy of?  Have something drawn up if not. There needs to be an easement agreement.

Can we survey our community center property?

Gary motioned to adjourn and seconded by Jeff.

Prepared by Vonnie Hutchison, Secretary


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