Reflection Lake Community Association Board Meeting – August 6, 2019
Board members present: President Glen Mumm, VP Charlie Bennett, Secretary Vonnie Hutchison, Treasurer Jim Boothby, Gary Long, Jeff Toffer, Richard Miller, Chad Boyd.
Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm in the RLCA Community Room. We’re recording these meetings so the minutes can be accurately transcribed. The recording is destroyed when the minutes are approved.
Minutes from the last meeting: Any additions or corrections to July’s minutes? There is a motion and second to waive the reading of the minutes. Motion to accept the minutes from the last meeting by Jeff and seconded by Jim. Motion passes.
President-Glen Mumm: We are now in the process of documenting anyone having a comment about something on a committee or something for the Good of the Order. If anyone has any comments on any of the committee reports, please print your name on the signup sheet.
Introducing our newest Board member, Chad Boyd.
Goals: In the first meeting after our annual meeting we usually set goals. We’ve done pretty good meeting last years’ goals. I’ve included a sheet showing the new proposed goals.
First off, all board members must be active on a committee.
- Finish the CC&R and bylaw review and get it out for a vote this year. We need to make sure we’re doing our due diligence.
- Establish an active road’s committee. Going to ask Chad Boyd to spearhead the committee and to work with Mr. Syverson. We’ll need to continue to work with Rick Hayes for snow plowing, filling potholes, etc.; and we need to keep the culverts cleaned out. When you’re ready to start having meetings, give me a time/date and I’ll get involved.
- Establish meeting dates, times and location for the Social Committee.
- Continue to work on distressed properties. L1 is a priority with the fence falling over, getting Harley Douglas to spray his property for noxious weeds.
- Work with Water Assn and establish exactly what Washington State is requiring for upgrades to this system; establish a timeline for those upgrades and just generally get this thing going and be of assistance wherever we can.
- Completion of hiking trail, hopefully with the help of FireWise.
- Complete the new fishing area and dock.
- Working with Fire Dist 4 for the new draft site at the North Dam.
Vice President-Charlie Bennett: I am also the Firewise Director, which I’m very passionate about. We’ll be getting a new FireWise sign on Frontage Rd so everyone can see we’re a FireWise site. Anyone can sign-up for a free fire assessment. Want to get an AED for the Community Center. The fire department thinks they can get us one for $800 and we would have that available. If you’re on Pulse Point you will be alerted and could be trained. Want to include information available through Firewise and include an exit strategy for getting around the lake during an emergency in the Welcome Packets.
The Greenbelt is going to need some volunteers for upkeep and maintenance.
We will work with the Water Association as part of a team on the long-term plan for the water system.
Secretary Report-Vonnie Hutchison: Nothing to report.
Treasurer Report-Jim Boothby: Report included with the minutes. Delinquent letters will be sent out on Monday the 12th. 4 people are selling their homes and looking at the buyers to pay their delinquent dues. Delinquent dues should be paid at closing. An extra $10 will be added to delinquent dues. There are another 6 properties that are long time delinquent. One or two will have liens put on them.
We have 6 more weeks until the next budget cycle, so everyone needs to control their spending.
I want to thank John Fechner. He donated $200 and the rocks for the North Dam.
Motion to approve by Dan and seconded by Charlie.
Lake Conservation: Jeff took water samples checking for e. coli and pollutants. We should find out this week if lake is safe to swim in. The test does not include algae. We don’t have the blue-green algae that other areas have.
Spoke with Randy Osbourne from Fish and Game to look at refurbishing the old fish hatchery so we may be able to revitalize it to raise our own fingerlings. We might be able to save some money. Richard says the hatchery is historic. This would be a long-term project. It would be a great thing for the kids and the community to be involved in. Don’t know how many private hatcheries there are anymore. Randy Osbourne indicated he is interested.
Haven’t seen as many carp in the lake this year. Randy says if we start to see weeds growing, we need to address the carp. Carp are mucking up the bottom of the lake. They reportedly live 30 years.
Richard says he developed swimmers itch this year. Be sure and rinse off after swimming or get out where the water is a little deeper.
Conservation, Maintenance & Dams Committee (CMD), Dan Loos: The north dam is done. Charlie, Rick and Jeff were very involved. DOE recommended and approved that project. Graveled along the spillway to level it out. The rest of the gravel went to Turtle Beach Road. I cut some metal for the Turtle Beach dock to start that project, so it’s moving along. When all the metal is cut, I’ll need some volunteers to install.
We had a dry run for exercising the South Dam valve. Everything is in order. Charlie is a licensed diver and will check out the valve prior to us opening it and will check for debris on the lakeside of the valve. It will be checked again after dumping. We’ll lower the lake 1-2’ so we can get some sediment, phosphates and fertilizers out of the lake. It’s been a long time since it’s been done so we’re going to try it again. This is something we used to do in the spring and fall, twice a year and then every 5 years we’d drain the lake to work on valves and let everyone work on their properties. DOE is wondering if drainage will decrease the drainage on the southwest. Want us to monitor it.
Security-Gary Long: Steve and Jim get a pat on the back for taking on security while I’ve been gone. There have been a couple of people at Eagle Beach that didn’t belong there. Maybe some keys are being given out without permission. Steve says the people are generally taking pretty good care of our community parks. Maybe we could leave a whisk broom there for cleanup. Susan Weeks wants to know if there is a phone number for security? No. Glen: we’re not policing we’re just checking for passes. It it’s anything other than fishing, please call the police department. If someone’s fishing without a pass, don’t be confrontational.
Dan brought in the ‘no parking’ sign for L1. This sign needs to be re-done because it has printing on the backside. Gary: What we’re trying to do with the sign is keep people from parking there, fishing, etc. Gives us a little authority to call the sheriff. Glen mentioned that at 3:00a.m. there was consistently the same vehicle parked on L1 in late winter, early spring. Didn’t seem to be doing anything. When security is patrolling is there a 10:00 curfew? No. Someone has been putting plastic cleanup dog bags into the toilet at Eagle Beach, which Steve has been fishing out of the toilet.
Register for the Facebook site ‘Elk Chatteroy Deer Park Neighbors helping Neighbors’. Works like Blockwatch.
Budget Committee-Jim Boothby: You need to be on the committee to make a difference on the budget. The Budget Committee decides where the money goes. Next meeting will be April. By the following June the budget will be done.
Roads Committee-Chad Boyd: Thankfully Chad has agreed to work with Robert Syverson. The Water Association will have to be involved with the Roads Committee. Been a tough committee in the past so we’ll need to start out slow and maybe get more people involved. The more people involved the better off it will be for everybody. Robert has been working on new estimates for road work. Glen says he has extra plat maps.
Social Committee-Richard Miller: We’ll have a meeting this month. Glen greeted our new neighbors; this is what the Social Committee should be doing. There are more families moving here. It is to your advantage too so you can delegate responsibilities. We need the date by the end of this week or I’ll have to put in a new chairman for the committee. No one signed up at the last annual meeting. Sandi wants to be on the committee.
Has anyone heard of anyone who’s been ill or died? Gary says we need to be careful about publicizing people’s names with health problems or deaths. Do you have Pulse Point? Let me re-emphasize a lot of people don’t want this information out.
CC&RS & BYLAWS COMMITTEE-Jeff Toffer: Meeting is Weds the 14th at 6:30.
OLD BUSINESS: Lease lot/Water Assn meeting. Sandi says we’re looking forward to having a mutual meeting. Susan Weeks: Some graduate students from Eastern Washington University have been mapping the system and around the pump house. By Friday we’ll have those points mapped out. One of the things we need to have to receive grants is to show we have control over the pump house property. We’re just talking a little cutout. I’m sure we can come to an agreement. We need to upgrade our water lines which will mean tearing up the roads. It’ll be nice to find out with the financing if we can include some of that road repair work. What’s holding us up is the financing. We need to put a plan together on paper that maps out what is needed and get the Association to signoff so we’ll be eligible for grants. Let’s put some meat into the discussion with the facts. Susan came to this meeting to find out what our questions are so she can be better prepared with the answers. Need a meet and greet to outline the questions. Sandi took notes on the last meeting and there could be some questions gleaned from those minutes. Dave Tice, State Water Operator, has offered to come to the meetings but he does need to be paid. We could split the cost. Saturday 17th for a meeting at 10:00. We’ll try to have most of the Board there. Jim wants to know if an agenda is going to be available so certain imperatives can be addressed. An engineer is supposed to be contacting Susan in about two weeks, Century Engineers. We don’t have enough water for the new houses going in.
FIREWISE: Charlie Bennett: Add FireWise packet to our Welcome Packets and have extras for anyone who wants to have one. Fire Department might contribute a defibrillator for the community. The new Fire Chief will oversee the dry hydrant. Discussion will be included in next months “Old Business”.
NEW BUSINESS: Set date to exercise the valves and lower the lake. May need to wait until later, maybe October. Needs to be lowered and raised before November. 2.5 weeks for drop and 3 weeks to refill. We need several people who also know how to do this. This knowledge needs to be passed on so we don’t lose it. Jim says in the past we always timed it the end of September and first of October. Sat. October 5 at 9:00. Put in newsletter.
GOOD OF THE ORDER: Rob Lee: requesting information from the Board. Who is our accountant, insurance agent and our attorney? Need it for personal knowledge. Need information for the Water Board too.
Newsletter submittals by August 15th for September 15th newsletter.
Charlie motioned to adjourn and seconded by Jim.
Prepared by Vonnie Hutchison, Secretary