2019 April Board Meeting Minutes

Reflection Lake Community Association Board Meeting – April 2, 2019

Board membersPresident Glen Mumm, Vice President Dan Loos, Treasurer Jim Boothby, Secretary Vonnie Hutchison, Security Gary Long, Social Committee Richard Miller, Firewise Charlie Bennett.

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm in the Community Center.  For everyone’s knowledge we are recording the minutes for accuracy and the recording will be deleted after approval by the Board.

Reading and approval of the March minutes:  Motion to approve by Gary and seconded by Jim.  Motion passes.

President-Glen Mumm:  Nothing to report.

Vice President-Dan Loos:  Nothing to report.

Secretary-Vonnie Hutchison:  Nothing to report.

Treasurer Report–Jim Boothby:  Jim’s reports are included in minutes. The Association is in pretty good shape.  Looks like we will be able to cover costs of most everything.  Went over budget on snow removal and will make adjustments to the current budget.

There are 4 capital projects remaining that may have to wait till the next budget cycle (culverts, signs, greenbelt, and readerboard).  Motion to accept budget report and seconded.


Conservation, Maintenance & Dams Committee (CMD) Dan Loos:  Topics of discussion from our last CBD meeting are included in April Board minutes.  The deer carcass at Turtle Beach was cleaned up.  Top of Turtle Beach was re-secured with a chain and key lock by someone.  We decided to wait to change lock at east entry.  No security concerns yet.

‘No fishing’ signs were put up by Gary.  Fish delivery is on April 10th unless something changes.  Fishing opens on April 27th.

Replacement vegetation for the greenbelt is being picked up on Friday.

3 signs need to be replaced:  Security on Duty, No Diving at Turtle Beach, and a security sign for the cart. Steve has taken the lead on the bulletin board, estimated cost about $800.  We’ll have to come up with a couple more dollars then originally budgeted.  After we get that built and installed, we’ll refurbish the existing sign and put it over by Sheets Rd.

We will secure Turtle Beach dock with a freestanding stand which will hold it out of the water because it’s very wobbly.  Dan can weld up the frame and get it in the lake.  We’ll be adding some gravel to the road also.  We have $400 available from access lots budget for gravel.

We’ll need to remove some trees on the southwest entry.  Dan will investigate cost.

Gary scheduled a date for the State dam inspectors, May 8th at 9:00 a.m.  There are two inspectors who want to come out.

Cleanup day is May 4th.  Still waiting for complete confirmation on the dumpster, which is for yard waste only.  Department of Natural Resources is paying for it.  Fire Department will be here at possibly 9:00 to help with the cleanup.  Rick Hayes will have a trailer available.  We’ll put the dumpster on Lot 1.  We will send an email blast and post on Facebook.  The Social Committee will coordinate the refreshments.  We should have a crew cleaning up vegetation and another crew picking up garbage.  We could plant vegetation at the Community Center on Cleanup Day.  $30 worth of trees were ordered: mountain ash, paper birch.  Sugar maples available for $2/each.  We’ll have a barbecue after the cleanup.  Refreshments will be on the tables at the Community Center by 9:00.  Have a meeting to finalize things beforehand.  The CMD and Social Committee will come up with verbiage to email blast and post on Facebook.

We are installing a bench at the fish hatchery, which Charlie will build.  The Firewise crew is cleaning the south end for brush.  Might be all the help we get from them for a while.  We have mock orange, mountain ash, paper birch ordered for this area.  Charlie will pick up on Friday.

Dry hydrant discussion in progress.

Weed control – Big John will be controlling along the water and beaches.  We need to tell Big John to not spray the new plantings.  Mark them with surveyors flagging.

Added a measuring tape to the north outlet to start documenting water level.  We need to make sure the outlets are not plugged up.

Build a ramp for the golf cart shed.

John Fechner suggested we get an engineer to determine the load rating on the spillway crossing.  He’ll need to try and find the original documents.  Documents might be in the office.  Gary says the inspectors who are coming out are engineers and they’re going to tell us whatever needs to be done.  If we have any questions, they should be able to tell us.

We need some deer fencing for new plantings.

The lease lots are covered with dog poop.

Security-Gary Long – No report yet.  Guest cards should be given to any new owners by prior owners.  Other than that Jim will hand out.

Brief discussion on getting the golf cart and put sign on it.  For recruiting put Gary’s phone number on it. Gary especially needs help for June, July and August.  1-2-3-4 week stint helps a lot.  Morning, afternoon and evening rounds is when I need the help.  Maybe have a small stipend to help encourage volunteerism.  Gary will write up a little notice of what the expectations are and then Glen will post it on Facebook and Vonnie can do an email blast.  We’ll have a signup sheet available for anyone who wants to help at the Cleanup Day.  Everyone who walks around the lake is great at letting people know who are using the lake what they should or shouldn’t be doing.

Guest passes – When a house sells the owner should have the guest card for this year and should have passed it on to you.  Other then that, get with me for a temporary one for the rest of the year.

Budget Committee:  The first budget committee meeting will be held in late May.  Worksheets were passed out.  Turn in at the May meeting so in late May we can have a budget committee meeting and put the budget together.  At the June meeting the budget will be presented to the Board for approval/disapproval/changes.  We’ll review at the July meeting then get ready for the finished document for the annual meeting.

Roads Committee-Glen Mumm:  Robert Syverson received another quote from Arrow Construction on chip seal.  The professional opinion is the road needs to be pulverized and re-laid.  We have a quote for $60,000 just for Sheets.  Newport Equipment has a better bid for $30,000.  Maintenance is every 5 years so we will need to put another coat of sealant on and keep it clean.    $500/5 years to re-seal.  Lower Sheets was $15,000. The quote is good until May.  We need to have some meetings and really hatch out what needs to be done.  Going to be expensive.  It’ll take a couple of days to complete the actual work.  This is going to be at least a year out to be done.  We’ll have to do maintenance until then.  Rick Hayes is going to add gravel and compact it.  Last year after the second go around it held for a really long time.  We need to get a roads committee going again.  A perfect time to recruit would be at the lake cleanup and possibly other people around the lake would be willing to volunteer.

Water Board-Jeff Toffer:  – Barbara Wilson will be back in town soon and there will be a Water Board meeting then.  Meetings are third Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m.

            CC&R and Bylaws-Jeff TofferJeff is finalizing.  We’ll need notaries available.

Social Committee-Richard Miller:  At the lake cleanup we will have snacks before and a barbecue after.  Our annual meeting date is 13th of July, 10:00.  Motion to approve by Dan and seconded.

Jerry needs to be consulted on updating our lake history book.  Richard will talk to Jerry and get a cost on having the existing books reprinted.  Mark Sleizer isn’t here but Sue Riemans is sure he’d be willing to do the printing.

Garage sale?  Have in June during Elk Days at the Bennetts.  Bennetts will get the info put together and Glen and Vonnie will publicize.

Vanderholms have moved in.  They need their welcome package.

OLD BUSINESS:  Vonnie – we need a new printer.  We’ll need to budget or move some money around.  Vonnie will get some quotes.

NEW BUSINESS:  Check assessor’s office for new owners of Sandblooms.  Vonnie checked and the title is still under Sandblooms.

Richard – My neighbors request info on splitting up a vacant lot.  County won’t allow.  John Fechner asked if someone who owns property outside the Association and owns a lot in the association be giving access to the outside lots to the lake?  This needs to be specific in the bylaws.

Turtle Beach needs a chain and sign saying private property and no ATVs, etc. or gate just past turn to Turtle Beach.  Authorized vehicles only.  Maybe block access with a log with a cutout for walking.

GOOD OF THE ORDER:  Guest passes are getting ready to be printed and then be sealed with a corporate seal and stamped.  If there are any changes, get with Jim.  Jim or Vonnie will check for a corporate seal.

Motion to adjourn by Richard, seconded by Vonnie, motion carries.

Prepared by Vonnie Hutchison, Secretary

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