Reflection Lake Community Association Annual Meeting – July 13, 2019
Board members present: President Glen Mumm, VP Dan Loos, Secretary Vonnie Hutchison, Treasurer Jim Boothby, CC&R’s and Bylaws Committee Jeff Toffer, Social Committee Richard Miller, Firewise Charlie Bennett.
Meeting was called to order at 9:35am in the RLCA community room. We’re recording these meetings for accuracy when transcribed. The recording is destroyed when the minutes are approved.
Glen Mumm, President: Calling the meeting to order. Thank you everybody for coming out to our annual meeting. Did everyone get a copy of the agenda? We have a busy schedule today. We have some guest speakers who are coming so timing is a little bit of an issue. I’m going to try and be strict with this agenda. There is a spot at the end of the agenda for Good of the Order, questions and concerns.
We have a few new faces here and that’s good to see. .
Nominations for the elections of the 3 positions for the RLCA Board from the floor. This is a 3year position, and it will be announced 3 times. The Board has already nominated three members, which were in the newsletter. Are there any nominations from the floor for a board member for a 3-year position? (announced 3 times). No nominations for a board member, so let the counting begin. Collected ballots.
Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2020, Jim Boothby. Treasurer; Budget handout is on the table and included with the minutes. We have budget meetings starting about 3-4 months before the budget is put together. From there we hand out request papers to the committees and officers so they can make their needs known for the next fiscal year. We then have a budget meeting and develop the budget. Our goal is to stay under $32,550. If dues are not paid by August, the member is charged an additional $20.
Budgeting for fish this year was kicked up to $7000.
The committees are where all the planning happens. If you have some ideas or just want to keep the budget in check, please join a committee.
Most project money is for material and depends on many volunteers.
Common and greenbelt area was Improved this year by volunteers and FlreWise.
Terry has a question about what road maintenance consists of what? Glen, nothing is being changed. We’re not rebuilding anything, just maintaining. Snow removal is in addition to the road maintenance budget.
The Income and Balance statement are Included with minutes. The study on dam maintenance is available to be read.
Capital projects are unfunded until funds become available to pay for them.
Any questions? Now is the time because these numbers can be changed at this point. None? Vote on approval for budget for fiscal year October 2019-September 30, 2020. Dan, motion to approve. Seconded by Linda Loos. We need to make sure the count is correct so if you have two lots, hold up two fingers, etc. Full count is 29. Opposed to budget? -0-, Budget accepted as written.
Jeff, I’ve been involved in budgets my whole life. These guys did a great job balancing the budget, not overspending it. Everyone should feel comfortable the budget is not being overspent.
Capital Projects for 2019-2020- Glen Mumm: Completed: road maintenance, rock for the dams, improvements to the shed that was donated, work at Bald Eagle Beach, gravel for Turtle Road, purchase of used golf cart and reader board sign.
The 18-19 budget was aggressive because there was so much work to be done. Notes on what was spent are included with the minutes. Purchased another golf cart (used) to help with lake security, Community reader board was replaced, $14,333 spent on community projects, and A lot of voluntary hours. FlreWise is -0- cost because we were reimbursed in full from FlreWise. There are capital projects that we didn’t get to because we’re waiting for the money to become available. These projects were passed last year by the Association but we’re still waiting for the funding.
Capital Projects for 2019-2020: Community Center: flooring, siding, sidewalk, paint – $3500. Not sure anything has been done to this building since erected. $3500 is a worst-case scenario, hopefully less. The rock on the docks is a continual expense. We have one dock left over that we can rebuild and relaunch and move north of Eagle Beach for fishing. We’ve cleaned up the area thanks to Firewise and Charlie. This will help spread the fishermen and hopefully, take the some of the load off the dams, $1000. The North dam dry hydrant through Fire District 4: install a dry hydrant on Lot 1 to pump water from the lake. Once installed it should be a direct savings on our homeowner’s insurance, $1000.
Vote for community center: 24, opposed -0
Vote for renewal old dock: Opposed -0-, approved 24
Vote for north dam dry hydrant: Opposed -0-, approved 24. This hydrant is smaller than a regular hydrant but still has two hookups.
Terry asks if the county could put in a road barrier on the north dam so no one can slide into the lake in the winter.
Terry wants to give special mention of Joe Dixinson for the donation of shed.
Glen, Lease Lot Summary: 5 lots were leased in 2000 for various reasons at a considerable cost to our Association. Total revenue loss for 2001-2019 from taxes was $14,850, loss of dues for 15 years was $11,250, plus 3 years of $2625 a total of $28,725. These lots are a safety zone for the Water District. We’ve negotiated with all the property owners to eliminate the leases except for one lessee, resulting in a $210/year loss but a huge savings. The amount saved is close to what our dam reserve fund needs to have. We’re happy to have this behind us. Terry was a big proponent of this.
CMD Committee, Dan Loos: We meet monthly to discuss upcoming projects. Accomplishments: Installed a gate at Turtle Beach going to the fish hatchery so there can be no encroachment by vehicles; the bulletin board was single handedly built by Steve Hutchison and then Rick Hayes spent a day installing it.
Rock was placed at Eagle Beach to reinforce the beach and sun shade, which Rick Hayes was very involved with.
Moved the shed donated by Joe Dickinson, then moved, painted, installed, plugged holes, installed shelving. We still need to make the door larger for the golf cart.
Replaced the backer board on one of the fishing rules sign.
Installed signage in various places. Turtle Beach got a sign “no diving”. We put gravel on the driveway and the stained posts at Turtle Beach road.
Cut down dangerous trees, firewood is still there for anyone who wants it.
Lake cleanup day. New trees/boushes planted. Larger fish were put in the lake thanks to Jeff (2 lbs +). Dam inspection stated we have one of the most cared for dams in the State.
Current projects are adding rocks to the north dam, which is currently happening; Rick Hayes donated rock and the tractor was donated by Charlie’s friend; ordered more gravel for Turtle Beach entrance. Big thank you for all the committee members and volunteers. Glen wants to also thank everyone for all the volunteer work.
FireWlse • Charlie Bennett: I’m the new person on the Board. I had no intentions when we moved here, just loved it here. Wayne Moore expresses my feelings exactly. He is just happy to be here. I didn’t plan on joining the Board but felt like it was the right thing to do.
What is a FireWise community? Sandi Bennet and I own a lot on lower Sheets Road. I was told that there might be some interest in creating a nature trail. Sandi had heard an ad about free fire assessments, which is establishing defensible space from a fire, like eliminating a
wraparound wooden deck. We contacted Flrewlse about our acreage on Elk/Milan and had an opportunity to include RLCA. If there is a fire on the 100 acres to the south of us, it would rain down embers on our properties. Our community is also in this same area. Right after the fires in California hit reality set in. We also needed answers about the water quality. The consensus is the springs are healthy and clean. Cleaning around the fish hatchery was discussed plus making It part of FlreWise but we needed to have a point guard, which I volunteered for. Gary Long, Sandi and I have made a dent in that work.
Fire Wise cleared brush to the north, south and 15′ along the lower Sheets Road. They never went near the springs. Their cleanup was followed by our annual cleanup date.
Guy Gifford, FireWise, Department of Natural Resources: Firewise is about neighbors working together. An example would be Block Watch. It’s led by the community. There are no strings attached but you do get a cool sign. The goal is to make properties more resilient to fire. Every home In this community is threatened by embers, not flames. Can the fire department put those out? Embers travel over a mile, so no. Firefighters are not looking for embers, they’re fighting fires. It could take 45 minutes before you see a flame from an ember. You need to protect the first 5′ around your home. Do you need wood to start a fire? No just one match, then tender, the kindling, then wood. A chain reaction can start 30′ from house. A wood fence acts as a perfect wick.
FireWise is voluntary for communities. You need to provide leadership, an assessment, then a plan, which could be better addressing, thinning the trees around the lake, education, etc. Benefits are targeted with grants for manpower, dumpsters, etc. or events. The Firewise crew might come back depending on funding. The community must have a way to approve their plan.
Good of the Order: Questions or concerns? None? Susan asks if there was any game on camera. Casey replied there’s been a handful of deer.
Fire captain Sylvester: Great to see everyone being proactive. Please get your reflective address markers. We have request forms here, on the website, and at the station. This service is free of charge. Communication is essential if there are any hazards. Is there a phone tree? You need a plan for Inside your home too. Power outages can be a hazard. Signup for Alert Spokane, on county’s website where they can contact you with emergencies. Have one designated friend or family offsite that you can contact so they can relay messages if communication goes down. Text instead of calling because the phone lines get overloaded. Have a Go Ready kit so you can be more self-sufficient; plan for pets and livestock. Teach kids your plan. You need to have two ways out of home and property. Notification evacuation levels are Level 1: awareness; Level 2: ready; Level 3: time to go.
Prepare your home with defensible space. Have a non-combustible area around all structures of 5′, plus 30′ of green space, then a nice thinned area of trees of about 100′. Limb up trees 4s:.
Jim: I was here for firestorm and ice storm. There were a couple of fire stations available. Are there still vehicles available or were they moved to the new fire station in Deer Park? Answer,
none of the resources were moved to the new facility. All vehicles stayed where they were. Riverside Fire Station is your first responder. Elk Fire Station is also stocked with a full complement of gear. Those volunteers live within about 15 minutes of Elk station, plus there is extra staffing throughout the summer. Jim: A dry hydrant has been proposed. Are there any strings attached? Sylvester, no. Jim, we’ve had 3 house fires. Can the trucks pump out of the lake? Fire Department sends a water truck. All trucks have the ability to draft out of the lake but could get clogged up with sediment. A dry hydrant would be very helpful. Susan, for response times are there any phone apps? Sylvester, Pulse Point Is a free app that comes directly from station. Terry, If someone has any type of medical issue should you help? He has gotten several calls. Yes, help. 911 could walk you through helping a patient.
Terry: another thing you can do is designate a person to call directly, connected to your address.
Dan: Can we get an AED (defibulizer) in the Community Center? Fire Chief, yes we have them available for about $800.
There are signup sheets if you want a free wildfire assessment. Glen, thank you Chief.
Election Results: There were two nominations from the ballots, Steve Hutchison and Miriam Schneider, each receiving one vote.
Nominated for 3 year positions July 2019 – July 2022. Chad Boyd — 29 votes
Dan Loos -30 votes
Glen Mumm – 31 votes
Jim: Good of the Order – Question for the Fire Captain. Dogs on the lake have fallen through the ice in winter. People have also. Is there an ice rescue situation available? Chief, no. Diamond Lake does have one. This is equipment you can push out on the ice and be pulled back in. We need that piece of equipment for ice rescues.
Outstanding Member of the Vear: Steve and Vonnie Hutchison were presented a plaque for all their efforts and energy. They put in a lot of work and time. Vonnie stepped in as secretary and board member and Steve volunteered work to CMD. THANK VOUIII Steve and Vonnie love this place but are reluctant to accept because another couple has put in a lot of time and energy, Charlie and Sandi Bennett.
This is a family and community. We all work together.
Board members please stay after the barbecue for the election of officer positions. Motion to adjourn by Jeff and seconded by Richard.
October 1. 2019- September 30, 2020 Board Officers
Glen Mumm remains president.
Charlie Bennett will be vice president.
Jim Boothby remains treasurer.
Vonnie Hutchison remains secretary.