Reflection Lake Community Association Annual Board Meeting – July 21, 2018
Board members present: President Glen Mumm, VP Dan Loos, Secretary Vonnie Hutchison, Treasurer Debby Geoghagan, Jim Boothby, Gary Long, Jeff Toffer, Richard Miller, James Powers, Russ Bishop.
Meeting was called to order at 10:05 am in the RLCA community room.
Message from the President: Thanks to everyone who helped this year. If your dues are paid up you will be able to vote.
Accomplishments for 2017-18:
Dan spearheaded the refurbishing of our Reflection Lake sign; Rob Lee and a big crew helped right the shade structure at Bald Eagle Beach; we refurbished the dock on Bald Eagle Beach and expanded the beach area; added rock to the dikes; spillway was refurbished. Ingress/egress emergency sign was installed at the SW access to the South dam; dock replaced on Turtle Beach; new rain gutters on the community center; south dam gate valve was leaking and replaced; tree trimming in the median making it easier to mow and maintain; Jeff Toffer spearheaded the water quality testing. We needed a component to test for fecal matter that was extremely expensive, Jeff and Glen found a local company that did the test for $35; we are continuing with te final installation of the grass carp and are trying to make sure they’re in balance for the lake; Jeff Toffer handled the fish planting for the trout. Our original supplier, Trout Lodge, had a tragic equipment failure and lost their fish. We now have to buy them from another source which is more expensive; lake clean up had a terrific turnout, thanks again; continued the regular maintenance program of roads and will start repairing the approaches. Will be cleaning out the culverts so the roads aren’t being undermined. Rob is going to help with that.
Election of New Board Members: Glen, the president, asked three times if there are any nominations from the floor. Terry Zoesch was nominated and seconded as a candidate for a board position from the floor. The three candidates that were elected by the membership were: Richard Miller, Vonnie Hutchison and Charlie Bennett.
Operating Budget 2018-19 – Jim Boothby: Everyone should have received a copy of the proposed operating budget and capital projects list. Operating budget passed by a vote of 22 approved and 6 opposed.
Capital Budget – Glen Mumm: The list of capital projects totals $22,000. Each capital project was voted on for approval or disapproval by a show of fingers (1 per lot). These are capital projects proposed for fiscal year 2018-2019. The results are:
1. Road Maintenance and Repair $3500 27 yes 6 no
2. Add rock & gravel to dam areas $2000 34 yes 0 no
3. Cleanout of culverts/drains $1000 22 yes 5 no
4. Move and repair donated shed $3000 24 yes 12 no
5. Gravel for parking area at Bald Eagle Beach $2500 21 yes 18 no
6. Gravel for Turtle Beach road $1000 23 yes 5 no
7. The Greenbelt nature trail completion $1000 21 yes 4 no
8. Replace security golf cart $2500 28 yes 0 no
9. Replace fence on L1/B1 $4000 TABLED
10. Repair and/or replace signage $ 800 19 yes 0 no
11. New readerboard and sign at Sheets Rd / Lakeside Dr $ 700 28 yes 0 no
Notes: The Greenbelt nature trail completion, proposing to make a hiking trail through the greenbelt will be taken on by Charlie and Sandy Bennett. It will only be on the Association property, route and anyother input is up for discussion. Please sign up for this committee.
Terry Zoesch volunteered to donate his golf cart in lieu of buying another golf cart, some repairs may be needed. Glen Mumm will assess those repairs.
Glen: We are a small community association trying to get things done through volunteerism and donations. We are trying to keep the budget small without raising dues any further or having special assessments (unless absolutely necessary). This capital project list allows us to prioritize what needs to be done to maintain the lake and all of its appurtenances.
Roads Committee – Glen: There is $3872 left in the road maintenance account. Our Association is responsible for maintaining the private road (maintenance being defined as snowplowing and pothole repair); $3500 is what is needed to complete this year’s maintenance for the private roads. This will be funded from what is currently left in our 2017-2018 capital budget. The need for the $3500 is to repair the private road approaches that are deteriorating. Angi Lee commented: People on the east side should be paying for road maintenance. No one helps the west side do their repairs. Rob Lee added: If we repaired/repaved Sheets we could save that money spent every year on maintenance. We need a new committee for Sheets to handle maintenance/repair and take care of the problem once and for all. Some of the new members present stated their willingness to pay an assessment to improve the private roads. Glen Mumm then continued: The Roads committee will reconvene and will be looking for new members to help put together a long term plan for the private roads. The CC&R’s and By Laws are currently being reviewed and the private roads and road maintenance issue will be addressed in this review.
Social Committee-Richard Miller: Thanks to everyone for coming and to Debby and Vonnie for helping with the yard sale and cleanup efforts. Only thing that has not been done is picking up the piles of debris. Men were working on the dock while the women cleaned around the whole lake and Glen fed everyone. The yard sale will be continued every year. A couple of new things happening around the lake, park benches are being added. Would like to have donations of benches, bird houses, maybe some plantings. Maybe we could have a chili cookoff or something during the winter along with our monthly meetings. Anything that could be re-gifted (gift cards, etc.) to be used as thank you gifts? It comes down to volunteerism. The Board is having to take care of way too many things. For instance with the committee handling bylaws/covenants, only the board members volunteered. Please volunteer.
For new members there is a welcome packet along with a history book of the lake.
Budget Committee-Jim Boothby: Regarding the reserve account, the state says it should be for major repairs only, not shortages in our budget. Reserve account needs to be based on a visual inspection of the association’s assets with an estimate of repair and/or replacement. We need volunteers for the assessment portion of the reserve study. The state recommends hiring a pro to do it, but we believe we have enough talent to do it ourselves. The reserve account is currently set at $32,000. After the review is performed, should any changes in the reserve account total be necessary, it will be presented to the board for approval. A vote was taken in favor of keeping the reserve study in-house. The results were: 36 yes, 0 opposed.
Lake Conservation – Dan Loos: Thank you to all our volunteers. We’ve had lots of meetings, hundreds of hours donated to accomplish everything this year. Thank you Jeff, Gary, Steve, Charlie, Glen. Our general volunteers were Rick Hayes, Adam Hayes, Rob Lee, Jerry Parker, John Fechner, Rick & Lori Johnson, Matt & Lori Johnson, Paul and Danni, Steve and Vonnie Hutchison, Charlie and Sandy Bennett, Rick Smith, Gerald Freitas. John Fechner asked if the carp planting was going to continue, he was answered with a “yes”. He also reminded everyone to make sure that the gates at the North and South dam are always in the closed position after cleaning.
Bylaws-Dan Loos: There has been countless hours spent (with more ahead) reviewing the CCRs and ByLaws. attorney has been retained to help with this review and is making suggestions for necessary changes. There will be a meeting for open comments or review and rebuttal prior to sending a certified mailing containing ballot(s) to approve or disapprove.
Board Member Election Results: We had three people running for the position of board member and nomination from the floor, Terry Zoesch. The ballots have been tallied and our returning board member is Richard Miller (with 27 votes; our new board members are Vonnie Hutchison with 30 votes and Charlie Bennett with 27 votes. Terry Zoesch had 23 votes. The current board members are: Glen Mumm, Dan Loos, Debby Geoghagan, Vonnie Hutchison, Jim Boothby, Jeff Toffer, Gary Long, Richard Miller, Charlie Bennett. After the annual meeting was adjourned, the board members met and elected the officers. The results are: Glen Mumm as President, Dan Loos as Vice President, Debby Geoghagan as Treasurer and Vonnie Hutchison as Secretary.
Outstanding Member Recognition: Over the top volunteerism, board member, secretary, social committee, treasurer, website. Unbelievably valuable member, Debby Geoghagan. She has also agreed to continue as Treasurer until her house sales and will still continue to host our website even after moving.
Glen: This Board is for the whole community. We are committed to doing the right thing. As we do the right thing we will continue to get more and more participation.
Thanks to Charlie and Sandy Bennett for lending us their golf cart.
Thank you to the Dickinsons donated a storage building.
Thank you to Terry Zoesch for donating his golf cart.
Gate passes and keys are being handled by Debby. Passes are mailed when dues are paid.
Linda Loos: This association should be so thankful for all the work this Board has done. Glen, the community in general has also stepped up.
Jeff Toffer: There are not many private lakes in the country. This is a very unique community. Do we want our properties values to increase? If places were cleaned up our property values will go up.
Where would you like to have our future annual meetings, here or Bishop’s Park? The Community building won the show of hands.
Prepared by Vonnie Hutchison, Secretary