The following was mailed out to all RLCA members a couple of weeks ago. If you did not receive this mailing, please send your mailing address to [email protected] and please come to the meeting if you can!
Well everyone, it’s that time of year again. On Saturday, July 21st at 10am we will be holding the Reflection Lake Annual meeting at the community center at 37708 N. Sheets Road. This will be your opportunity vote on some very important topics like the RLCA operating budget, capital projects and 3 board member positions.
Your Board of Directors, with the help of many community volunteers, have had a very busy year addressing many things that had been neglected or forgotten about and were in great need of attention. Here are just a few of the major projects that have been completed:
- Had the Reflection Lake entrance sign refurbished.
- Repaired the sun shade and dock at Bald Eagle Beach.
- Repaired the dock at Turtle Beach.
- Repaired dock at Bing’s Landing.
- Replaced the gate valve at the South dam.
- We are now equipped to perform lake water quality tests (it’s great by the way)
- New website:
These items alone have taken many hours of planning and commitment from the board and all the wonderful neighbors that took time from their busy personal lives to try to make this a better place to live and for the enjoyment of our guests. This list only begins to scratch the surface of the things that have been accomplished over the last year. There were also a few administrative items that needed to be addressed such as the Bylaws & Covenants updates that are still under review, getting our administrative house in order and bringing our reserve account into compliance with state regulations just to name a few.
So as you can see, we have alot of info to share with everyone at this year’s Annual Meeting. Please be sure to cut out the enclosed ballot, cast your vote for 3 board member positions and return it to us before the annual meeting date if you are unable to attend the meeting in person.
Also, be sure to take a look at the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year and the list of proposed capital projects that will be voted on by those in attendance at the Annual Meeting.
Last but not least, we will be having a potluck at the end of the meeting, so bring your favorite shareable dish. We will provide beverages.
In closing, I would like to thank everyone that has taken the time to help us in all these various endeavors and welcome all the new members of the community that have been so eager to jump in and help us rebuild this jewel we call Reflection Lake.
I look forward to seeing all of you at the annual meeting.
Your President, Glen Mumm